Wednesday, April 10, 2013


  1. I am an admirer of your work. Every time I see it, I wonder whether it would not strengthen the work as you would give them titles. It has a strong poetic power and sometimes there are hidden texts.
    The work speaks for itself. Perhaps a title would lead the viewer even more to the essence of the work.

  2. Oh thank you for your thoughtful comment. Something for me to think about. Sometimes when I work a title will spontaneously arise,(which I may forget to post here :->) but more often than not there's an ineffable process of creation.

    1. Oh! ''Ineffable'' - Yes!

      This one leaves me speechless, indeed.

      I, for one, like that your work remains untitled, which leaves more room to the viewer's imagination... Don't you agree, Jane?

      -Naomi of TeaButterfly
